Advanced Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd

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We Advanced Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd, License No.  1470 is an ISO: 2001:2015 certified manpower agency recognized by the Ministry of Labor Department of Nepal. We are ranked #1 recruiting agency in the fiscal year 2020/021 approved by the Labour Ministry in terms of manpower deployment.

We have been serving as a bridge for bringing together Employer & Employees from across the World. We have been providing unskilled, Semi-Skilled, Skilled, and highly skilled personnel in the Middle East, Malaysia & European countries.

Our core comprises well-qualified and hugely experienced professionals, who deliver the best results in the scenario of the liberalized labor market. As specialists, each individual carries out their responsibility to help the company deliver its overall mandate of professional workforce recruitment. Our effort is for incorporate values lies in the satisfaction and appreciation from our customers. We provide a tailored made package to ensure the best performance while developing your trust in our recruitment process. Through this, we strive to build a fair, ethical, and leading organization while furthering our vision to build a long-term business relationship.