We are a pioneer Job Portal to deliver information about foreign job opportunities through Nepalese Manpower and other Institutions.
We Help to Grow your career abroad in global development and a social enterprise with our jobs forum. Provide information and post daily New Job related to Social Enterprise Jobs, Jobs Abroad, Global Development Jobs, etc.
The available jobs are categorized accordingly to where they belong. We are tasked with the responsibility to find you the job that matches your requirements.
The aim of this portal is to provide updates for our All the manpower companies and also questions and solution forum related to the job seekers about employment opportunities from Gulf Countries, Europe, Japan, Malaysia, and many more countries. The job vacancies published here are categorized by company names and status of the job. Our company acts as a bridge between multinational enterprises and job seekers.
Contact Detail
Address: Battisputali, Gaushala, Kathamandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4481192
Email: [email protected]